Well it is 2018 and there are so many things on the horizon, so I thought I would write to let you all know what you can expect this coming year, but, before we get into that I first want to thank you all for an amazing 2017. No matter what happens, our success is 100% dependent on each and every one of you. Words are not enough to express our gratitude for your continued support, whether you are a fan, DJ and/or other media outlet, your support has been unconditional and we hope to continue to be worthy of that support in 2018.
Priorities To Being A Performer
Recently I have been receiving many emails and direct messages from young musicians from around the world and noted something a bit worrisome. I am finding more and more young musicians asking for advice in making it in music. But, these young musicians are more concerned with growing their viewers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter than anything related to developing as musicians or artists.